mindful.org連載記事 3/3:「何かがかけている」という感情に打ち勝つ



第1回はこちら:mindful.org記事 1/3:成功したいときに自分自身に問いかける「7つの質問」
第2回はこちら:mindful.org記事 2/3:あなたのマインドセットは硬直していますか?


Overcoming the Feeling of Scarcity


A former student of mine was the third generation scion of a wealthy Taiwanese family. He had a sudden insight that the dominant view of his family was one of fixed mindset. His relatives were constantly protecting their position, fearful of losing face, and oriented their defenses toward real and imagined threats.


“The result,” he said, “is that we treat each other like animals and we are all miserable. Even though we have more resources than most people could ever imagine, we act like we are on the brink of disaster. We are merely trying survive. We never ask ourselves, ‘with all we have, what would it mean to thrive?’”


He learned that by changing the questions he asked himself, he could create a different set of possibilities. His pinched nervous face began to relax. He started to pay attention to what was working well, to his strengths and what brought him enjoyment. He redirected his energy away from defending and towards developing. His family was puzzled by this turn, but his sweetheart relished the change. Orienting toward growth created new possibilities for both of them. A few years later on social media he posted a glowing photo of his former-girlfriend-now-wife and their little baby. He had continued to thrive and made a good life for himself.



Shift Your Mindset By Asking Yourself These 7 Questions:

Take some time to sit with these questions. Write down your answers and see if you’re clinging to a fixed mindset.

What questions are you asking yourself? 自分自身にどんな問いかけをしていますか?
What questions motivate your organization? どのような問いが組織に活力を与えますか?
What are you trying to defend? 何を守ろうとしていますか?
What would it be like if you let that go? それを手放すとどのようになりますか?
What question could your life be expressing an answer to?  あなたの人生は、どんな問いに対する答えをあらわしていますか?
What would it mean to give up surviving to thrive? 成功するためにいきることをやめるのは、何を意味していますか?
Who would you be that you are not now? 今の自分ではない、誰になりますか?